Client: SweeTARTS
Agency: Swifty
Role: Integrated Producer
Media: Broadcast, Content, Social, Influencer
Production: Swift
GCD: James Robinson
Creative Team: Mary Numair, Andrew Indrisie, Emily Jensen 

SweeTARTS Gummies

SweeTARTS briefed us with a simple ask: how do we launch our new gummies product. The solution: a visually stunning campaign where we let the actual gummies themselves shine. We did a total take over of the SweeTARTS IG account, taking down all the previous content and uploaded just the gummies. We then created social specific content that showed off the brightness and variety of the gummies. On top of that, we worked with a handful of influencers across different categories such as art, fashion, gaming, travel and music to create custom content that celebrated the release of the new gummies product.